Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fed: Aust building approvals rise 1.8pct in Oct

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Aust building approvals rise 1.8pct in Oct

CANBERRA, Dec 4 AAP - The building recovery is back on track after new figures today
showed building approvals jumped 1.8 per cent in October, making up almost half the ground
lost the previous month.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) said the number of dwellings approved for
construction rose to 15,294, a 56.5 per cent improvement on the same time last year.

The seasonally adjusted rise was larger than most had been expecting and helps make
up for the 4.3 per cent dip in building approvals in September.

MORE kmh/daw/mg/bwl


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