Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NSW: Iemma says opposition water recycling plan is nothing new

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Iemma says opposition water recycling plan is nothing new

SYDNEY, Feb 16 AAP - The NSW opposition's new water recycling initiative is nothing
new, NSW Premier Morris Iemma says.

Opposition Leader Peter Debnam today announced a water network plan that will include
building recycling plants in south-west Sydney and then piped to the Prospect Reservoir.

Mr Iemma today said a similar recycling program undertaken by the government is already
at the tender process.

The only difference between the two programs is how the recycled water is used, he said.

"We are forcing industry to use it, whereas Mr Debnam wants to force the people of
western Sydney to drink sewerage," Mr Iemma told reporters.

There is no need for people to drink recycled water, he said.

The opposition's plan to add recycled water to Sydney's water supply when dams levels
fall to 20 per cent is a risky move, Mr Iemma said.

"Sydney can't wait that long," he said.

"We need to take action now. What Mr Debnam is proposing is a risky and negligent program
that would put the city's water supply at risk."

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