Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vic: Thousands make claims for bushfire losses

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Thousands make claims for bushfire losses

MELBOURNE, Feb 17 AAP - Insurance companies have received more than 5,000 claims relating
to the devastating Victorian bushfires.

A statement from the Insurance Council of Australia said about 1,300 of the claims
were for total loss of property.

Ten per cent of the claims were for motor vehicles and about 90 per cent were for building

"The Insurance Council encourages all policyholders to contact their insurers as a
matter of priority," said council chief Kerrie Kelly.

More than 1,800 homes are believed to have been destroyed by the bushfires, which also
killed at least 200 people.

Council spokesman Sean Sampson said as more people were able to get access to their
properties, he expected the number of insurance claims would rise further.

AAP xlc/pmu/apm


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Gilt Groupe and Gogo to Offer Airline Passengers In-Air Deals

Wireless News
Gilt Groupe and Gogo to Offer Airline Passengers In-Air Deals
Type: News

Gilt Groupe, an online shopping destination, and Gogo, a provider of in-flight connectivity, announced a partnership that offers passengers in-air sales for on all Gogo-equipped Delta, United, Virgin America, Alaska Airlines and US Airways aircraft.

"We are very excited to be partnering with Gogo to allow airline passengers the ability to access and exclusive in-air or in- flight sales designed for passengers," said Kevin Ryan, founder and CEO, Gilt Groupe, in a release. "What better way to spend flying time than to explore Gilt and see what inspires you."
"One of our primary goals is to make Gogo everyone's favorite part of flying- whether that's providing shopping, entertainment, news, games or simply keeping people connected to their lives on the ground," said Ash ElDifrawi, chief marketing officer at Gogo. "Partnering with Gilt Groupe - a true leader in e-commerce and a leading online shopping site to offer exclusive in-air deals helps us take a giant leap towards achieving that goal. We are very excited to be able to partner with Gilt to offer free access to one of passengers' favorite online shopping destinations while they're in the air."

Passengers who log onto through Gogo will also have free access to the site and all it has to offer, including children's apparel and accessories, home decor, Jetsetter, Gilt City, and Gilt Taste.

Passengers who log onto the Internet with any web enabled device, will automatically be directed to Gogo's Web site. From there they can simply connect to through the Gogo homepage where they'll have real-time access to in-air deals and Gilt's daily selection of products, including fashion for women, men, and children; home decor; gourmet finds; and travel experiences and activities in a select list of cities and destinations.

((Comments on this story may be sent to

Copyright 2011 Close-Up Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

SA:SA: Main stories in Wednesday's Adelaide newspapers

AAP General News (Australia)
SA:SA: Main stories in Wednesday's Adelaide newspapers

ADELAIDE, Dec 7 AAP - The main stories in Wednesday's Adelaide Advertiser:

Page 1: Australia's major banks are holding out on passing on the rate cut.

Page 3: Organic baby food doesn't always live up to its organic claim.

World: Several thousand protesters have called for an end to Vladimir Putin's rule in Russia.

Finance: The collapse of My ATM could cost investors millions.

Sport: Port Adelaide AFL club has been guaranteed a major new sponsor if it signs Leon
Davis and Brendan Fevola.

AAP lk


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW:3yo suffers electric shock at NSW event

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW:3yo suffers electric shock at NSW event

A three-year-old boy has suffered an electric shock .. after a helicopter clipped a
near-by power line .. which electrified a railing .. in the New South Wales Hunter Valley.

The accident happened during a community event at Lorn .. and police say the boy was
touching the railing at the time.

He was taken to John Hunter Hospital apparently with burns .. and is said to be in
a satisfactory condition.

AAP RTV ih/wz


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW:Premier tours flood-affected region

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW:Premier tours flood-affected region

Premier KRISTINA KENEALLY and Emergency Services Minister STEVE WHAN have once more
visited flood-affected regions of New South Wales today.

The pair travelled to Queanbeyan to host a thank you barbecue for emergency volunteers.

They'll travel to Dubbo tomorrow to inspect flood damage and meet with local residents.

Ms KENEALLY says it's been a heartbreaking time for many families in what has been
the most widespread flooding event the state's experienced in more than 30 years.

Major flood alerts remain in place at Wee Waa and Coonamble in the north.

Flooding is also expected at Forbes .. in central NSW .. tomorrow .. as the Lachlan
river floods downstream.

AAP RTV ih/sw/


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW:Heavy metals man hospitalised

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW:Heavy metals man hospitalised

SYDNEY, Aug 4 AAP - The severe lead poisoning of a Sydney man who bought traditional
medicines from India has sparked warnings from NSW health professionals.

The middle-aged man recently presented to Campbelltown Hospital, in Sydney's southwest,
vomiting and in severe pain.

Toxicology results revealed he had nine times the acceptable level of lead in his blood.

Several months ealier, he had bought a traditional Ayurvedic medicine by phone from
India after reading an advertisement in an online Indian newspaper.

Ayurveda is a traditional medicine practised in India and includes the use of naturally
occurring elements in vegetable, animal and mineral substances.

The quantity the man bought tested high in levels of mercury, arsenic and lead, and
caused him to became progressively ill over the months until his hospitalisation.

Doctor Stephen Conaty, NSW Public Health unit director of the Sydney South West Area
Health Service, said the man was lucky his diagnosis was not more life-threatening.

"When ordering traditional medicines from overseas, people need to bear in mind that
no assurance can be given regarding their safety, quality or effectiveness," Dr Conaty
said in a statement.

"If you've experienced unusual side-effects during or after taking traditional, especially
Ayurvedic medicine purchased from India, visit your GP for an assessment and possible
blood test."

No regulatory provisions prevent the purchase of medicinal products from other countries
unless they contain prohibited substances or narcotics, NSW Health said.

AAP vpm/klm/dep


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

WA: Tasmanian cricket selector facing sexual assault charge

AAP General News (Australia)
WA: Tasmanian cricket selector facing sexual assault charge

EDS: Timeline on laying of charges corrected to October on police advice

PERTH, Dec 22 AAP - Former Tasmanian Tigers cricketer Glenn Hughes has been stood down
as a state selector after an incident in Perth led to him being charged with sexual assault.

Cricket Tasmania confirmed on Tuesday that Hughes, the 50-year-old younger brother
of former Test captain Kim Hughes, had been stood down from the three-member selection
panel pending the resolution of charges against him.

West Australian police said they could not release details of the allegations, and
would only say that Hughes was facing two charges, including one of sexual assault, in
relation to an incident at a Perth hotel in October.

The charges are expected to be heard in Perth Magistrates Court in March, a police
spokesman said.

Hughes, a right-handed batsman, scored 2,244 runs in 35 Sheffield Shield matches for
Tasmania after moving from WA in the 1980s.

Cricket Tasmania issued a one-paragraph statement saying he had been stood down from
"all selection duties and involvement with Tasmanian cricket teams or operations following
notification of an incident in Western Australia that has resulted in police charges".

"No further comment will be made as the matter is now before the courts," communications
co-ordinator Eve Curley said.

No replacement has been arranged and current selectors Michael Farrell and Roger Woolley
will continue as a two-member panel until the charges against Hughes are resolved, a Cricket
Tasmania spokesman said.

AAP was/ldj/apm/cdh


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: Coalition "loath" to support changes

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Coalition "loath" to support changes

CANBERRA, Aug 13 AAP - The federal coalition is loath to support any changes to Australia's
terror laws, opposition attorney-general spokesman George Brandis says.

The government has flagged a number of changes to the laws in a discussion paper released
on Monday, including tighter limits on the time a terror suspect can be held by authorities.

The definition of a terrorist act would also be expanded to include hoaxes and acts
that inflict psychological harm, while police powers to search a premises have been strengthened.

Senator Brandis says the previous Howard government's terror laws had struck the right
balance between national security and the rights of individuals.

"There hasn't been any difficulty in enforcing those laws," he told reporters on Thursday.

"There hasn't been a terrorist incident in Australia."

The coalition would be "very loath" to see further invasions on the rights of individuals.

The government's proposed changes risked softening the laws in some areas, Senator Brandis said.

MORE srj/rl/dep/de


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Main stories in today's Sydney newspapers

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Main stories in today's Sydney newspapers

SYDNEY, April 3 AAP - The main stories in today's Sydney newspapers:


Page 1: A female RAAF flight attendant was reduced to tears after PM Kevin Rudd told
her off for not providing him with the meal he requested.

Page 2: Illegal weapons and ammunition have been uncovered in raids in two suburban
homes after a year-long operation.

Page 3: A NSW Ombudsman's investigation accuses the RTA of corruption in its hiring
of external consultants.

World: An Indian lawyer is defending a man charged over last year's Mumbai terror attacks
despite a violent attack on her home by hardline Hindu nationalists.

Finance: Ten Network delivers $79.7-million first-half net loss.

Sport: Collingwood's Ryan Cook has been charged over a savage attack in country Victoria
that left a man with facial injuries.

MORE bc/rs


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Vic: Fire destroys medical factory

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Fire destroys medical factory

MELBOURNE, Aug 31 AAP - Firefighters are still mopping up after a massive blaze destroyed
a medical supplies factory in Melbourne's south-east causing up to $6 million in damage.

At least six employees had to be evacuated from the factory in Moorabbin when the blaze
broke out at 12.30pm (AEST) yesterday.

The 100 metre by 60 metre factory was a challenge for more than 80 firefighters who
tackled the blaze for most of yesterday, and the mopping up process may take up until
tomorrow, Metropolitan Fire Brigade commander Darren Davies said.

"It was a difficult fire to fight, there were not many access points to get in," he said.

"There was rubber and other textile manufacturing stuff producing heaps of smoke.

"We had to rip walls out to get in."

Commander Davies estimated the fire had caused at least $3 million and possibly more
than $6 million damage, with machinery and supplies at the textile manufacturing company

The factory uses rubber, cotton and other materials to produce goods such as knee and
elbow bands and bandages.

"I haven't had a chance to talk to the owner yet but he is there this morning," Commander
Davies said.

"The fire's out now but there are hot spots to put out and we are demolishing the building
to stop the structure collapsing.

"Fire investigators will now look at what the cause was."

The Environment Protection Authority also monitored the area to see whether residents
would have to be evacuated from toxic fumes but strong winds helped blow the smoke away.

Just 13km down the road, another factory fire yesterday at 5am forced nearby residents
inside their homes because of toxic fumes.

That blaze caused $3 million damage to the 50 metre by 50 metre double storey factory
at Fiveways Boulevard in south-eastern Keysborough, which produces chemical additives
for concrete.

AAP gr/jm/bwl


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Vic: Gillard urges soldiers to share stories with the nation

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Gillard urges soldiers to share stories with the nation

MELBOURNE, April 25 AAP - Australian servicemen should be encouraged to talk of their
combat experiences so the nation can have a realistic view of war, Deputy Prime Minister
Julia Gillard says.

Ms Gillard, who attended the Anzac Day service in Melbourne, said her British grandfather
lied about his age to fight in World War I.

He survived the war but his experiences of the war remain unknown.

"My mother's got some photographs and some of the records, but it wasn't something
he tended to talk about so she doesn't have the complete history," Ms Gillard told ABC

She said the full history of her grandfather's service would be lost, but soldiers
serving today should share their experiences with others.

"I think maybe for a long period of time it was a bit taboo for men to come back from
war and to talk about how bad it was and some of the things they saw, and to suggest that
that had affected them in an ongoing way," Ms Gillard said.

"I think that culture of men repressing their emotions and pretending it didn't hurt
was predominant, but in the last few years I think we've seen a lot of breaking down of

Ms Gillard said Australians needed to understand what war was like, and servicemen
of today should provide that insight.

"I think that they now understand that it's not only the right thing for them to come
back and tell their stories personally because people need to talk, but it's actually
the right thing for the nation," Ms Gillard said.

"We should understand what war is like, what combat is like, what it's like for someone
who's deployed overseas.

"We shouldn't have a romantic vision of that, we should have a real vision."

AAP kl/ce/it/bwl


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

SA: Man accused of mother's murder is granted bail

AAP General News (Australia)
SA: Man accused of mother's murder is granted bail

A man accused of murdering his mother has been granted bail .. after a judge ordered
his release on home detention.

THOMAS HEYWARD is one of four men accused of murdering Mt Gambier woman GLENYS HEYWARD
.. who was last seen alive on July 23.

Her body was found last month on a remote property in western Victoria.

Also charged with her murder are Mrs HEYWARD'S estranged de facto husband NEIL HEYWARD
.. second son MATTHEW HEYWARD .. and farmhand JEREMY ADAM MINTER.

NEIL HEYWARD and MINTER remain in custody but MATTHEW HEYWARD's also been released on bail.

In the Supreme Court today Justice MICHAEL DAVID was told that the case against THOMAS
HEYWARD would hinge on the testimony expected to come from MINTER.

But Justice DAVID said he's concerned that no decision on whether or not to call MINTER
as a witness at trial would not be made until at least March next year.

Taking that into account he decided to grant home detention bail .. allowing HEYWARD
to live with his girlfriend and her parents at a property near Glencoe .. 25kms from Mt

Justice DAVID said once a decision was made on MINTER'S status as a witness .. prosecutors
could call the matter back on and seek to have THOMAS HEYWARD returned to custody.

AAP RTV tjd/af/bart


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Qld: Teens charged after officer hurt in pursuit

AAP General News (Australia)
Qld: Teens charged after officer hurt in pursuit

Two teens have been charged with a string of offences after they allegedly drove a
car at a police officer north of Brisbane last night.

Police say they began chasing a car near Caboolture Police Station just before midnight
.. after it allegedly left the scene of an accident.

During the pursuit .. the car clipped a police officer's hand .. bruising it .. and
hit a police vehicle twice.

Police used a device to deflate the car's tyres and arrested two 15-year-old boys.

Both boys will appear in Caboolture Children's Court on August 17.

AAP RTV gd/rt/bart


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Iemma says opposition water recycling plan is nothing new

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Iemma says opposition water recycling plan is nothing new

SYDNEY, Feb 16 AAP - The NSW opposition's new water recycling initiative is nothing
new, NSW Premier Morris Iemma says.

Opposition Leader Peter Debnam today announced a water network plan that will include
building recycling plants in south-west Sydney and then piped to the Prospect Reservoir.

Mr Iemma today said a similar recycling program undertaken by the government is already
at the tender process.

The only difference between the two programs is how the recycled water is used, he said.

"We are forcing industry to use it, whereas Mr Debnam wants to force the people of
western Sydney to drink sewerage," Mr Iemma told reporters.

There is no need for people to drink recycled water, he said.

The opposition's plan to add recycled water to Sydney's water supply when dams levels
fall to 20 per cent is a risky move, Mr Iemma said.

"Sydney can't wait that long," he said.

"We need to take action now. What Mr Debnam is proposing is a risky and negligent program
that would put the city's water supply at risk."

AAP dmc/kaj/klw/imc/


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: Iemma says $5,000 jobs incentive is "interesting"

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Iemma says $5,000 jobs incentive is "interesting"

NSW Premier MORRIS IEMMA has cautiously welcomed a five thousand dollar incentive for
unemployed people to relocate to areas with greater job prospects.

The federal government is expected to pilot the plan within months .. targeting areas
with higher than average unemployment .. such as the NSW north coast .. the Shoalhaven
and Sydney's outer suburbs.

Mr IEMMA says on the surface it's an interesting proposal .. as long as it's voluntary.

But the premier says there are a whole range of other issues that need to be worked
through before he'll commit to it.

The premier says his government's payroll tax concession has already helped create
jobs in areas of high unemployment.

(Eds: Changing keyword from Employment)

AAP RTV pc/hn/es/bart


) 2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Qld: New 24-hr medical hotline kicks off tomorrow

AAP General News (Australia)
Qld: New 24-hr medical hotline kicks off tomorrow

A 24-hour medical hotline aimed at freeing up stretched hospital emergency wards will
be available across Queensland from today.

The 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) hotline will open at 8.30 (AEST) this morning .. and will
be staffed seven days a week by experienced nurses, able to provide immediate expert advice
to callers.

It's not a replacement to the emergency Triple-O number .. but the nurses will advise
callers on the best course of action to take.

That includes visiting their local doctor .. calling an ambulance .. or travelling to a hospital.

The service will cost callers the price of a local phone call .. but cost taxpayers
25 million dollars in the next three years.

AAP RTV nt/tm/psm/psm/


2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

NSW: Firefighters battle central coast blaze

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Firefighters battle central coast blaze

SYDNEY, Dec 25 AAP - Christmas Day has passed with NSW relatively unscathed by bushfires,
despite several blazes and nervous moments when a fire threatened properties on the state's
central coast.

A fire came close to about 50 homes at Chittaway Point today but firefighters said
it was now almost under control and no longer posed a threat to lives or property.

Rural Fire Service (RFS) spokesman Cameron Wade said 150 firefighters and three helicopters
had fought the blaze since about 1pm (AEDT).

"There were a some moments there where it was looking a bit dicey," he said.

"It had the potential to impact on those properties; it was very close.

"But we've got a lot of resources on it now and it's no longer a serious threat."

No property was damaged and no one was injured as a result of the fire, Mr Wade said.

Firefighters tonight were backburning bushland adjacent to homes on Geoffrey Road and
Church Road at Chittaway Point as they tried to bring the blaze under control.

"It's still going but we're expecting to contain it by about 11pm," Mr Wade said.

The fire was clearly the result of "human intervention", although it was too early
to say if it was deliberately lit, he said.

Elsewhere, fire had burnt 1,900 hectares of bushland in the remote Pilliga forest near
Narrabri, in north-western NSW.

Mr Wade said the fire was a long way from residential areas and did not pose a threat
to property.

He said firefighters were battling another blaze on the NSW central coast, this time
near Lake Macquarie, which burnt through 30 hectares of bushland but had not threatened

A fire also broke out tonight at a derelict warehouse in Sydney's south-west.

A NSW Fire Brigades spokeswoman said the fire took hold in a former Bunnings Warehouse
site in Gow St, Bankstown, about 7.20pm (AEDT).

The flames tore through parts of the top level of the building but did not present
any threat to surrounding properties, the spokeswoman said.

Firefighters had braced for a black Christmas across NSW after extreme weather conditions

The RFS tonight warned conditions were expected to worsen again on Tuesday when another
wave of high temperatures were forecast.

"The weather will start to deteriorate again on Tuesday and through to Wednesday, when
conditions will be similar to last Saturday," Mr Wade said.

AAP dcr/sco


2005 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Monday, February 27, 2012

war crimes

war crimes Any violation of the laws or customs of war amounting to a criminal act. According to the Charter of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal of 1946, war crimes include murder, ill-treatment, or deportation of civilian populations, murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war, killing hostages, plundering property, and wanton destruction of population centres or devastation that is not justified by military necessity. The Nuremberg Tribunal also defined a new category of crimes against humanity, consisting essentially of murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population before or during World War II and persecution on political, racial, or religious grounds (but only if the persecution is connected with war crimes or crimes against peace); these acts are crimes against humanity whether or not they violate the domestic law of the country where the crime was committed. It is now arguable that this definition is of general application and is wider than that of war crimes. In consequence, the prohibition of crimes against humanity denies the right of any state to treat its citizens as it pleases. This has had major implications for the relationship between state sovereignty and humanitarian intervention.

The Tribunal also created a third category of crimes against peace, i.e. planning, preparing, or waging a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties. It is generally considered that these definitions now form part of customary international law.

War crimes tribunals were established at the end of World War II with jurisdiction to try and punish those who allegedly committed war crimes while acting in the interests of the European Axis countries or Japan. More recently, under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, the UN Security Council has set up ad hoc war crimes tribunals in relation to the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia (1993) and Rwanda (1994). See also International Criminal Court.

The War Crimes Act 1991 gives jurisdiction to UK courts to try those charged with war crimes committed in German-held territory during World War II, irrespective of the accused's nationality at the time. Prosecutions may be brought with the consent of the Attorney General for homicide offences.

Homesite Purchases Royal Special Risks Insurance Company.

Insurer Now Serves Half of U.S. Households

BOSTON, Nov. 7 /PRNewswire/ --

Homesite Insurance announced today that it has purchased the Royal Special Risks Insurance Company, which is comprised of 40 property-casualty state licenses, from Royal & Sun Alliance, one of the world's largest insurance groups. The acquisition significantly expands Homesite's ability to underwrite and sell homeowners insurance and related coverages throughout the U.S. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

Homesite currently underwrites and sells homeowners and renters insurance in 20 states, serving approximately half of the households in the U.S. With the licenses acquired through this acquisition, Homesite will be able to sell its products to homeowners and renters in 44 states and D.C., an area covering 95 percent of U.S. households.

Charles Kline, Homesite's Chief Executive Officer, said, "Adding these licenses solidifies Homesite's position as a truly national insurance company - one of a handful of companies able to serve the vast majority of U.S. homeowners and renters, and the only one focused exclusively on this market. Building this kind of nationwide presence has been among Homesite's highest priorities. It significantly enhances our ability to sell through large financial institutions, such as mortgage companies, banks and other insurers seeking to offer homeowners products. Moreover, our prospects of selling over the Internet, whether through our own site,, or through Internet partners, are greatly enhanced if we are writing in most states."

Among Homesite's strategic marketing partners is General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC), the finance arm of General Motors, through whom it sells homeowners insurance to GM employees and retirees in the U.S., members of GMAC Insurance's affinity and worksite relationships, and groups targeted by GMAC Insurance direct marketing initiatives. Other marketing partners include the U.S. Postal Service, InsWeb,,,,,, and SBLI USA among others. Homesite is a specialized insurer of homes, designed specifically to enable customers to access its products and services in any way they prefer, including 100% through the Internet. For those preferring to communicate by telephone, customer service representatives are available at 1-800-Homesite.

Homesite Group Inc. was formed in 1997 and launched in 1999, and is dedicated to providing U.S. consumers with low-priced homeowners insurance coverage and outstanding service. Homesite's insurance products are marketed through affinity groups, employers and selected service partners, as well as directly to consumers.

The equity financing for Homesite was arranged by Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Capital Partners, the private equity group of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, the global financial services firm.

Sun Microsystems Corrects and Replaces Sun Teams With Linux Community Release Issued Feb. 23.

SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 23, 1999--

Initiative To Bring Popular Operating Environment

To Internet Service Provider Market

Sun Microsystems, Inc. today announced an initiative that will offer board-level solutions to a select number of system integrators to assist them in building powerful, low-cost Linux solutions running on the SPARC(TM) technology-based platform. As a result of this initiative, UltraSPARC technology-based boards run on two of the fastest growing enterprise operating environments, Solaris(TM) and Linux.

Sun's SPARCengine Ultra(TM) AXi processor boards now enable systems integrators to take advantage of their speed and high level of integration to design high-performance platforms that run Linux. Powered by UltraSPARC-IIi processors, the SPARCengine Ultra AXi boards are ideal for running Linux and provide a new performance and scalability option to small and medium internet service providers (ISPs)

"The combination of both Solaris and Linux support is powerful in the service provider market," said Marge Breya, vice president of marketing, Sun Microsystems, Microelectronics. "The Linux and Solaris operating environments have established their ability to support enterprise and ISP customer needs. Our new initiative will enlist the support and participation of selected system integrators who will design high-performance UltraSPARC platforms that run the Linux operating system."

Donovan Systems Pte. Ltd., the leading manufacturer and provider of SPARC compatible systems and RAID subsystems in Singapore, is the first system integrator to demonstrate a SPARCengine(TM) AXi based system using Linux.

"We look forward to extending our market penetration into educational markets and providing systems to governments of developing countries in Southeast Asia," said Gary Foong, managing director of Donovan. "The common requirement within these two markets is the ability provide a low cost alternative to NT-based Pentium systems."

Fully supported versions of the Linux operating system will be provided by fee-based Linux distributors and providers like Red Hat Software Inc. and Caldera. These companies will provide disk or CD versions of Linux 5.0 , as well as installation assistance, documentation and 24x7 technical support. Support and consulting companies such as Linuxcare Inc. provide a full range of Linux-based support and customization services.

"The ISP market is a fast growing segment of Linux users," said Bob Young, CEO of Red Hat software. "Most ISPs require three things -- power, performance and support -- from their operating systems. The combination of UltraSPARC processors, the Linux operating environment and Red Hat support guarantees a solid, fully supported, high-performance, and cost-effective migration path for ISPs."

"We're excited that Sun is putting the power of the UltraSPARC platform behind Linux," said Arthur Tyde, CEO of Linuxcare. "Customers love choice, they love performance, and they love a good night's sleep. Combining the power of UltraSPARC with best-of-breed Linux distributions and enterprise-class support from Linuxcare gives ISPs a new set of powerful options. This will take Linux to the next level in the ISP market."

Since joining Linux International in May 1998, Sun has worked with the Linux community to port Linux to the UltraSPARC platform. System integrators can download Linux for the UltraSPARC platform free of charge over the Internet from a variety of sites worldwide. The download locations are accessible from

About Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Since its inception in 1982, a singular vision, "The Network Is The Computer(TM)," has propelled Sun Microsystems, Inc. (NASDAQ:SUNW), to its position as a leading provider of high quality hardware, software and services for establishing enterprise-wide Intranets and expanding the power of the Internet. With more than $10.5 billion in annual revenues, Sun can be found in more than 150 countries and on the World Wide Web at

Sun, the Sun logo, Sun Microsystems, Solaris, Hot Java and The Network Is The Computer are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Press announcements and other information about Sun Microsystems are available on the Internet via the World Wide Web using a tool such as Netscape Navigator or Sun's HotJava' browser. Type at the URL prompt.

Linuxcare is a service mark of Linuxcare, Inc.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

At The Third Stroke BTs Speaking Clock Will Be 75 Years Old; Call the Speaking Clock to hear Sundays birthday message.

M2 PRESSWIRE-July 20, 2011-: At The Third Stroke BTs Speaking Clock Will Be 75 Years Old; Call the Speaking Clock to hear Sundays birthday message(C)1994-2011 M2 COMMUNICATIONS


Britains famous Speaking Clock celebrates its 75th birthday on July 24, 2011. Now a national institution and part of Britains heritage, the Speaking Clock was the first of the pre-recorded information services in the UK, provided through telephones.

Created for people who wanted to know the time and did not have a watch or clock to hand, the clock was initially only available in the London directory area, with the first British Speaking Clock introduced on July 24, 1936.

The Speaking Clock was designed and constructed at the Post Office Engineering Research Station at Dollis Hill in North London. The time announcements were automatically co-ordinated on the hour with Greenwich meantime signals.

In order to access the service, subscribers would dial the first three letters of the word time as dials at the time included letters as well as numbers to aid automatic calls. Dialling T. I. M. led to its common name 'TIM'. The service went national six years later.

Today, around 30 million calls every year are made to the service, now officially called Timeline. People dial 123 in the UK to hear the modern service.

The voice of the BT Speaking Clock is as famous as the facility itself, with only four permanent voices ever used. Although there have been other voices used for charity events. They included Lenny Henry who recorded a special version in aid of Comic Relief for a two week period in March 2003. Later on that same year, 12 year old Alicia Roland won the same opportunity, this time for Childline.

Mae Whitman, the voice of Disneys Tinkerbell, also became the voice for the Speaking Clock in January 2009, coinciding with the Tinkerbell film released at the same time. Also in 2009 Comic Relief helped raise money with celebrity voices such as Gary Barlow, Cheryl Cole, Chris Moyles, Kimberley Walsh and Fearne Cotton.

Jane Cain was the first voice, winner of a Post Office Golden Voice competition, and used from 1936 until 1963. Pat Simmons, a London telephone exchange supervisor, became the second voice from 1963 until 1985. The third voice belonged to Brian Cobby who became the first male voice at 11am on April 2, 1985. An actor by profession before he joined BT as an assistant supervisor at a Brighton exchange, Brian was selected from 12 finalists in BTs competition on December 5, 1984.

Users who were around in the 1960s who listen hard enough might detect a familiarity Brian was also the voice of 5-4-3-2-1 Thunderbirds are go! in the famous Gerry Anderson TV series.

The fourth and current voice is Sara Mendes da Costa from Brighton & Hove. She became Speaking Clock voice at 8am on April 2, 2007. Sara won a BT competition during 2006 to find a new voice from the public, which had almost 18,500 entrants, simultaneously raising more than 200,000 for BBC Children in Need.

Originally the accuracy of the BT Speaking Clock was one-tenth of a second, but it is now accurate to within five thousandths of a second.

David Hay, head of BT Heritage, said: 75 years ago BT's technology created the speaking clock which remains a much loved part of British life today. Celebrating its diamond jubilee demonstrates BT's determination to preserve the heritage of the world's oldest communications company.

Quick facts

* The UK Speaking Clock was the first in the world.

* Big Ben checks its time with the Speaking Clock

* The Speaking Clock is accurate to within five thousandths of a second

* In its first year the service registered nearly 13 million calls

* Initially only available in the London and went nationwide in 1942

* The Speaking Clock is also known as TIM and Timeline

* Accurist was the sponsor from 1986 for 22 years

* Permanent voices

First voice - Jane Cain 1936 - 1963

Second voice - Pat Simmons - 1963 - 1985

Third voice - Brian Cobby - 1985 - 2007

Fourth voice - Sara Mendes da Costa - 2007 to present

* Other Voices:

Lenny Henry Comic Relief 2003

Alicia Roland ChildLine 2003.

Mae Whitman, Tinker Bell 2008

UK celebrities for Comic Relief 2009 - Gary Barlow, Cheryl Cole, Chris Moyles, Kimberley Walsh and Fearne Cotton

Enquiries about this news release should be made to the BT Group Newsroom on its 24-hour number: 020 7356 5369. From outside the UK dial + 44 20 7356 5369. All news releases can be accessed at our web site:

About BT

BT is one of the worlds leading providers of communications solutions and services, operating in more than 170 countries. Its principal activities include the provision of networked IT services globally; local, national and international telecommunications services to our customers for use at home, at work and on the move; broadband and internet products and services and converged fixed/mobile products and services. BT consists principally of four lines of business: BT Global Services, Openreach, BT Retail and BT Wholesale.

In the year ended 31 March 2011, BT Groups revenue was 20,076 million with profit before taxation of 1,717 million.

British Telecommunications plc (BT) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BT Group plc and encompasses virtually all businesses and assets of the BT Group. BT Group plc is listed on stock exchanges in London and New York.

For more information, visit

About BT Heritage

BTs commitment to its heritage is published in its Heritage Policy ( adopted in 2004. BT is the only major company to have made such a public commitment to safeguarding its past and future heritage. The key features of our approach are to maintain historical documents and records within the company, under the management of BT Archives (, and to promote access to our physical artefacts online and at museums across the UK through BT's Connected Earth initiative (

Descriptions of BTs archives can be searched at and historical images and films can be seen at, including the telecommunications research records and GPO Film Unit collections both awarded UK UNESCO Memory of the World status, 2011

Sam Ireland, Business Support Manager

BT Newsroom

Tel: 020 7356 2830

Mob: 07739 925055



((M2 Communications disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

Digi-Key Corporation and Intematix Sign Global Distribution Agreement.

THIEF RIVER FALLS, Minn., & Fremont, Calif. -- Electronic components distributor Digi-Key Corporation, recognized by design engineers as having the industry's broadest selection of electronic components available for immediate shipment, has signed a global distribution agreement with Intematix Corporation, a leading innovator of patented remote phosphor components for high-quality LED lighting.

Mark Zack, Digi-Key's vice president, semiconductors said, "Digi-Key is proud to welcome Intematix to our Solid State Lighting product base. Intematix's unique ChromaLit remote phosphor products enhance efficacy and smooth radiation patterns required by designers."

Intematix develops innovative LED lighting solutions that are grounded in the company's patented phosphor technology. Compared to conventional LED designs, where blue chips are coated with a phosphor compound, the ChromaLit Collection, now available through Digi-Key, leverages a phosphor composite separated from the blue LED energy source. This architecture provides unparalleled design freedom, more efficient manufacturing processes, exceptional light quality and up to 30 percent higher system efficacy.

"Intematix's global distribution with Digi-Key is a crucial step to better serving our customers," said Julian Carey, Intematix's director of marketing. "The range of the ChromaLit remote phosphor product family, coupled with the blue LEDs, drivers and other key components that Digi-Key offers, provides luminaire designers and manufacturers rapid access to innovative solutions."

Digi-Key Corporation focuses on providing customers with superior service, which includes product selection and availability, on-time delivery, and responsiveness. Using leading-edge processes and state-of-the-art technologies, Digi-Key serves a global customer base from its 600,000 square foot facility in Thief River Falls, Minnesota, USA.

About Digi-Key Corporation

As one of the world's leading totally integrated, Internet-based distributors of electronic components, Digi-Key Corporation has earned its reputation as an electronics industry leader through its total commitment to service and performance. Digi-Key is a full-service provider of both prototype/design and production quantities of electronic components, offering more than two million products from over 470 quality name-brand manufacturers at A testament to Digi-Key's unparalleled commitment to service, North American design engineers have ranked Digi-Key as the #1 Most Preferred Distributor (UBM/EE Times Electronic's Distributor Customer Evaluation Study/June 2011). With global sales for 2010 surpassing $1.5 billion, Digi-Key's single location in North America is one of its greatest assets. Additional information and access to Digi-Key's broad product offering is available at

About Intematix

Intematix Corporation is a materials development innovator, providing customizable, patented phosphors and phosphor components that serve as the foundation for high quality, energy efficient LED light. Intematix products enable attractive, vivid color quality, superior consistency, uniformity and stability. Headquartered in Fremont, California, Intematix maintains R&D, manufacturing, business and support operations in the United States, Asia and Europe. To learn more about the company, please visit

Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available:

BASF's Doug Brown Appointed to the Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Board of Directors.

Charlotte, NC (PRWEB) May 02, 2011

BASF proudly announces the appointment of Doug Brown, Manager of Commercial Construction, to the Sustainable Buildings Industry Council's (SBIC) Board of Directors.

"The work BASF is undertaking to ensure that cost-effective, high-performance commercial buildings become the industry standard, mirrors the core objectives of SBIC membership," said Brown.

Brown explains that BASF's extensive building and construction product portfolio, coupled with the company's global leadership in research and development, fulfill a critical demand for innovative, affordable, system-based construction solutions.

"Serving on the SBIC Board offers us a unique platform to learn more about sustainable construction challenges so we can create system-based solutions," said Brown.

For more than two decades, SBIC has established and maintained successful partnerships with both public and private organizations dedicated to the creation of high-performance buildings. As an independent, nonprofit association, SBIC brings a wide cross-section of construction stakeholders together, including architects, engineers, product manufacturers, governmental agencies and professional associations. The goal of the organization is to deliver buildings that provide long-term value and performance, reduce operating costs, keep occupants safe, comfortable and healthy and protect the natural environment.

For more information on BASF's commitment to sustainable construction please visit,

BASF -- The Chemical Company

BASF Corporation, headquartered in Florham Park, New Jersey, is the North American affiliate of BASF SE, Ludwigshafen, Germany. BASF has approximately 16,400 employees in North America, and had sales of $17.7 billion in 2010. For more information about BASF's North American operations, visit

BASF is the world's leading chemical company: The Chemical Company. Its portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products, and agricultural products to oil and gas. As a reliable partner, BASF creates chemistry to help its customers in virtually all industries to be more successful. With its high-value products and intelligent solutions, BASF plays an important role in finding answers to global challenges, such as climate protection, energy efficiency, nutrition and mobility. BASF posted sales of more than a[logical not]63.9 billion in 2010 and had approximately 109,000 employees as of the end of the year. Further information on BASF is available on the Internet at or in the Social Media Newsroom at

# # #

Read the full story at

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Wm. Morrison purchases a 10% stake in FreshDirect.(GLOBAL NEWS)(William Morrison Supermarkets PLC)(Brief article)

LONDON -- Wm. Morrison Supermarkets PLC, Britain's fourth-largest grocery chain, has taken a 10% stake in the New York-based Internet food retailer FreshDirect.

The [pounds sterling]32 million ($51.5 million) investment will get Morrison a seat on FreshDirect's board, and a chance to learn the online grocery business with an eye toward establishing its own version in the United Kingdom.

Morrison has also announced plans to spend [pounds sterling]3 billion ($4.8 billion) on new store expansion over the next three years, with a particular eye toward smaller, convenience-oriented stores. The company says it plans to add as much as 2.5 million square feet of new retail space by 2014, and plans to test three convenience store concepts this year, beginning with a store opening set for July.

Also planned is a [pounds sterling]1 billion stock buyback.

New Implementation of Massive Grid Computing Empowers Pricing Partners' Valuation Service.

M2 PRESSWIRE-2 December 2009-Pricing Partners: New Implementation of Massive Grid Computing Empowers Pricing Partners' Valuation Service(C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS


Paris-London: Pricing Partners (, the independent valuation expert and a world leader in mathematical models and analytics for derivatives and structured products, announced today that its impressive pricing tool, Price-it Valuation, is now empowered with massive grid computing to significantly accelerate the pricing speed for its flagship independent valuation service, Price-it Online, delivered as a SaaS platform.

Price-it Valuation retrieves all the related deals, generates valuation reports, and exports the entire information containing deals and market data to a massive grid. The program interacts with Pricing Partners' main solutions such as Price-it Online and the Price-it Library commercialized in Price-it Excel. The embedded grid computing technology is designed to optimize pricing time performance. Hence, the valuation computing time is remarkably increased to 500 deals per minute. By integrating grid computing technology into the Price-it Valuation tool, Price-it Online dramatically improves the usability to eliminate time-out interruption, speeds up the valuation report generation and guarantees the pricing process as each step is performed under Pricing Partners' internal secured network. Price-it Online users are able to simultaneously price multiple deals or execute various simulations, and therefore benefit from a substantially reduced workload.

Mr. Kodjo Klouvi, Quantitative Computer Engineer at Pricing Partners commented, "By focusing on the features most commonly used in grid computing, we obtain optimal utilization of the underlying infrastructure. The valuation of our clients' derivative portfolios is much faster. The grid computing technique allows Pricing Partners to offer our clients high quality services." Mr. Eric Benhamou, CEO of Pricing Partners, added: "The massive grid computing techniques allow us to make another step towards a large industrial framework and to position Pricing Partners a leader in the independent valuation service space. With this upgrade, we can now serve the whole industry in terms of valuation transparency and price discovery." Founded by former professionals of the trading floor, working in investment banks like Goldman Sachs, Societe Generale, Natixis or HSBC, Pricing Partners has become a major player in the financial derivatives fields in the past two years. In October 2008, Pricing Partners launched its Internet independent valuation platform, Price-it Online, which affirms its leading place in financial modeling as well as an independent valuations provider. Designed for all major assets like Interest Rates, Equity, Inflation, Credit, Foreign Exchange, Commodities, and Life Insurance to Hybrid products, Price-it comes either as a software tools or an Internet Platform, providing all the tools for the transparent valuation on structured products. Price-it online uses cutting edge mathematical models together with a new language to describe the complexity of any structured products. About Pricing Partners Set up by former professionals of the trading industry, Pricing Partners offers accurate solutions for derivatives products valuation, pricing tools and risk analytics. Thanks to Price-it online, a SaaS platform, Pricing Partners provides independent valuation from the vanilla to the most exotic financial products on most assets (Interest Rates, Fixed Income, Equity, Inflation, Credit, Foreign Exchange, Commodities, Life Insurance and Hybrid products). Pricing Partners develops and commercializes Price-it Excel, an analytic and independent pricing library using a generic payoff language description which allows the pricing of virtually any financial derivatives. Price-it also supports VaR, CVaR and the most common risk management tools. Pricing Partners is the only company completely mastering the chain of valuation, developing both its own pricing library and a valuation platform, which give its clients very accurate and reliable valuation as a result of its intrinsic knowledge of the pricing tools. Pricing Partners solutions can be used by investment banks, buy side firms, hedge funds, financial departments, trading rooms and audit firms.

Pricing Partners has also signed numerous partnerships to distribute its technology with leading institutions like NYSE Euronext (for its independent valuation service via Prime Source), Misys (for its pricing library integrated into Summit), CMA or Lexifi. It is a Microsoft IDEES partner, an IBM, Sun, Datasynapse and ActiveEon partner. Furthermore, it is a member of the grid research consortium GCPMF uniting BNP Paribas, Calyon, Ecole Centrale, EDF, ENPC, INRIA, Natixis, Misys, Pars VI University and Supelec and a global coordinator of the Credinext consortium, in collaboration with Prime Source, Lunalogic, Ecole Polytechnique, ENPC, University of Marne La Vallee and INRIA.

CONTACT: Yuxin Mao, Marketing & Communication Division, Pricing PartnersTel: +33 1 55 26 43 90Tel: +33 1 55 26 42 00Fax: +33 1 55 26 42 03e-mail: marketing@pricingpartners.comWWW:

((M2 Communications disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data prepared by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

LottoWorld Inc. signs investment banking agreements.

NAPLES, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 1, 1997--LottoWorld Inc. (NASDAQ:LTTO), the nation's leading publisher of lottery-related magazines, announced Tuesday that the company has signed investment banking agreements with Banc Services Corp. and Lloyd Wade Securities Inc.

Banc Services Corp., headquartered in Atlanta, is a specialized financial services company offering commercial lending and investment banking services. The company raises capital through the private and public sale of securities, including common and preferred stock, usually through syndication with other firms. Post-transaction financial advisory services include arranging larger public secondary offerings with New York Stock Exchange firms with which the firm maintains relationships.

Lloyd Wade Securities Inc., headquartered in Dallas, is an investment banking firm registered as a member of the National Association of Securities Dealers and the Securities Investors Protection Corp. The firm provides a full range of investment products with an emphasis on achieving long-term goals through diversification from small to medium-sized growth companies to highly secure fixed-income investments.

Dennis B. Schroeder, chief executive officer of LottoWorld Inc., said the company was poised to take advantage of the investment banking expertise of Banc Services and Lloyd Wade to support its current business as well as future growth.

LottoWorld Inc. is the largest publisher of lottery-related magazines in the United States and is the exclusive publisher of the New York Lottery Players Monthly, a 1.1 million copies-per-month magazine published for the New York Lottery. The company also has exclusive agreements with the Georgia, West Virginia and Nebraska Lotteries to publish magazines for each state. -0-

NOTE TO EDITORS: In the Internet/email address noted in this news release, there is an "at" symbol between jcullen and This symbol may not appear properly in some systems.

CONTACT: James D. Cullen, Investor Relations



Mum is targeted by hitman e-spam.

A WOMAN is warning people to beware after she was sent a spam email alleging a hitman had been hired to kill her.

Katharine Spencer-Brown, from Kettering, was checking her emails on Saturday when she came across the message.

The email, sent from the address with the sender name 'KILLLLLL', said: "My duty as I am mailing you now is just to KILL you and I have to do it as I have already been paid for that.

"Someone you call a friend wants you Dead."

The message goes on to say the sender will send his "boys" to track the recipient down and that he knows the recipient's name and has a photograph of them.

The recipient can prevent their killing by paying money to the senders, the message says - but it also warns: "Do not think of contacting the police or even telling anyone because I will know".

Ms Spencer-Brown reported the message to Northamptonshire Police.

The spam email is believed to have been circulated widely and it is reported to have been received by internet users all over the world.

Police forces who have dealt with it in other parts of the world have dubbed it The Hitman Scam.

Ms Spencer-Brown said: "I am sure it could really frighten some people so when I reported it to the police they said it was definitely a scam.

"I did a search online and found lots of reports about it.

"The police told me to delete it.

"I would encourage people to report it to the police if they receive the message and definitely not to reply, because if someone does that the person who sent it will know someone is reading it and could potentially send more.

"It was an awful email - I just want people to know it is a scam and not to be afraid or feel intimidated by it.

"It would have been awful if my 12-year-old daughter had received it, not me."

A Northamptonshire Police spokesman said: "We can confirm Katharine Spencer-Brown contacted us and we issued her with some advice."

Friday, February 24, 2012

NeoMagic(R) Corporation Reports Second Quarter Results.

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Sept. 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- NeoMagic Corporation , today reported its financial results for the second quarter of fiscal year 2007. Total revenue for the second quarter ended July 30, 2006 was $177 thousand, compared to total revenue of $86 thousand for the first quarter of fiscal 2007. Total revenue for the second quarter of fiscal 2006 was $301 thousand. The decline in revenue from the second quarter of fiscal 2006 to the second quarter of fiscal 2007 was primarily the result of a reduction in sales for two customers that purchased MiMagic 3 and MiMagic 5 products. Net loss for the second quarter of fiscal 2007 was $4.2 million, or a loss of $0.44 per share, compared to a net loss of $5.0 million, or a loss of $0.53 per share, in the first quarter of fiscal 2007. Net loss for the second quarter of fiscal 2006 was $4.5 million, or a loss of $0.67 per share. The decrease in the second quarter 2007 loss was primarily due to the gain on the sale of four patents for net proceeds of $1.0 million.

Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments declined from $21.7 million at April 30, 2006 to $17.1 million at July 30, 2006.

Conference Call Highlights

Topics to be covered on NeoMagic's quarterly conference call include the following:

   -- NeoMagic continues to work with Neonode to bring its next generation      mobile phone to market.   -- NeoMagic's ISDB-T smartphone design win for the Japanese market has      moved into the development phase.   -- The Company is working with a large semiconductor manufacturer to      develop a Windows Mobile Certified manufacturing kit targeted for      mobile phone manufacturers in China.   -- Outside of the mobile phone market, the MiMagic 6+ has been selected      for a wireless camera module developed by a major Korean OEM.    Dial-in Information  

NeoMagic will hold its second quarter fiscal 2007 conference call today at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time (2:00 p.m. Pacific Time). The call can be accessed via the Internet at , in the "Investor Resources" section of our web site. The call can also be accessed by dialing 866-206-5917 in the U.S. and 703-639-1106 internationally. A replay of the call will be available for seven days beginning on September 7 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time (5:00 p.m. Pacific Time). The replay number is 888-266-2081 in the U.S. and 703-925-2533 internationally. The passcode to access the replay is 943543.

The webcast is also being distributed over CCBN's Investor Distribution Network to both institutional and individual investors. Individual investors can listen to the call through CCBN's individual investor center at or by visiting any of the investor sites in CCBN's Individual Investor Network. Institutional investors can access the call via CCBN's password-protected event management site, StreetEvents ( ).

About NeoMagic

NeoMagic Corporation delivers semiconductor chips and software providing mobile solutions that enable new multimedia features for handheld devices. These solutions offer low power consumption, small form factor and high performance processing. The Company demonstrated one of the first solutions used for H.264 video decoding in a mobile digital TV phone, and is developing and delivering solutions for audio/video processing of the dominant mobile digital TV standards, including ISDB-T, DMB, and DVB-H. For its complete system solution, NeoMagic delivers a suite of middleware and sample applications for imaging, video and audio functionality, and provides multiple operating system ports with customized drivers for the MiMagic product family. NeoMagic has a patent portfolio of over 20 patents that cover NeoMagic's proprietary array processing technology, embedded DRAM and other technology. Information on the Company may be found on the World Wide Web at .

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including the Company's design wins, expected orders, production timing, availability of new products, revenue opportunities and the Company's ongoing patent licensing efforts. These forward-looking statements reflect current expectations. However, actual events and results could vary significantly based on a variety of factors including but not limited to customer acceptance of NeoMagic products, the market acceptance of mobile phones developed and marketed by customers that use the Company's products, customers' plans to develop smart phones and feature phones, the acceptance of advanced multimedia services such as H.264 television on mobile phones, and the Company's ability to execute product and technology development plans on schedule. There is no certainty that current or future design wins will result in revenue for NeoMagic or that customer forecasts will be accurate. Customers may cancel or delay projects or switch to other vendors. In addition, customers may fail to achieve their expected sales objectives due to competitive or other reasons. Our patent licensing activities involve various risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, uncertainties as to the willingness of other companies to pay significant fees to license our intellectual property, the length and uncertain outcome of licensing negotiations, the possibility that litigation may be required to enforce patents, and the risks and costs inherent in any patent litigation. Additional risks that could affect the Company's future operating results are more fully described in the Company's most recent annual report, its most recent quarterly report and other filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and are available online at . NeoMagic may, from time to time, make additional written or oral forward-looking statements, including statements contained in filings with the SEC and reports to shareholders. NeoMagic does not undertake the obligation to update any forward-looking statements that may be made by or on behalf of the company, except as may be required by law.

NOTE: NeoMagic, and the NeoMagic circle logo are registered trademarks, and MiMagic is a trademark, of NeoMagic Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. NeoMagic disclaims any proprietary interest in the marks and names of others.

   (Logo: )     NEOMAGIC CORPORATION   CONSOLIDATED CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS   (In thousands, except per share data)   (Unaudited)                                   Three Months Ended        Six Months Ended                               July 30, April 30, July 31, July 30,  July 31,                                 2006     2006     2005     2006        2005    Product revenue               $177      $86     $301     $263        $600   Licensing revenue                0        0        0        0           0   Total revenue                  177       86      301      263         600    Cost of product revenue        115       86      304      201         636   Cost of licensing revenue        0        0        0        0           0   Total cost of revenue          115       86      304      201         636   Gross margin (loss)             62        0       (3)      62         (36)    Operating expenses:    Research and development     3,831    3,284    3,147    7,115       6,230   Sales, general and    administrative              1,706    1,940    1,310    3,646       3,100   Gain on sale of patents     (1,044)       0        0   (1,044)     (3,481)    Total operating expenses     4,493    5,224    4,457    9,717       5,849    Loss from operations        (4,431)  (5,224)  (4,460)  (9,655)     (5,885)    Interest income and other      234      270      177      504         294   Interest expense               (29)     (37)    (132)     (66)       (420)    Loss before income taxes    (4,226)  (4,991)  (4,415)  (9,217)     (6,011)    Income tax provision            14       16       50       30          99    Net loss                   $(4,240) $(5,007) $(4,465) $(9,247)    $(6,110)    Basic and diluted net loss    per share                  $(0.44)  $(0.53)  $(0.67)  $(0.97)     $(0.92)    Weighted average common    shares outstanding for    basic and diluted           9,579    9,521    6,694    9,550       6,670     NEOMAGIC CORPORATION   CONSOLIDATED CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS   (In thousands)                                            July 30,   April 30,  January 29,                                             2006        2006        2006                                         (unaudited) (unaudited)   ASSETS    Current assets:   Cash and cash equivalents                $14,618     $21,235     $26,695   Short-term investments                     2,506         513           0   Accounts receivable, net                      32           7           9   Inventory                                    733         152         171   Other current assets                         612       1,039         800   Total current assets                      18,501      22,946      27,675    Property, plant and equipment, net         1,602       1,994       2,368   Other assets                                 421         414         451    Total assets                             $20,524     $25,354     $30,494    LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY    Current liabilities:   Accounts payable                            $936      $1,184      $1,735   Compensation and related benefits          1,171       1,260       1,024   Income taxes payable                       1,072       1,065       1,059   Other accruals                               149         228         264   Current portion of capital lease    obligations                               1,244       1,637       1,525   Total current liabilities                  4,572       5,374       5,607    Capital lease obligations                      0         407         624   Other long-term liabilities                  146         145         149     Stockholders' equity:   Common stock                                  36          36          36   Additional paid-in-capital               110,709     110,091     110,302   Deferred compensation                          0           0        (531)   Accumulated other comprehensive loss          (1)         (1)         (2)   Accumulated deficit                      (94,938)    (90,698)    (85,691)   Total stockholders' equity                15,806      19,428      24,114    Total liabilities and stockholders'    equity                                  $20,524     $25,354     $30,494  

CONTACT: Scott Sullinger, Chief Financial Officer of NeoMagic Corporation, +1-408-486-3879; or Erica Mannion, Investor Relations of Sapphire Investor Relations, LLC, +1-212-766-1800, for NeoMagic Corporation

Web site:


PAUL McCARTNEY and U2 are set to score the fastest No.1 in pop history.

They were so delighted with their duet on Live8 opener Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, they've given special permission for the version to become available to fans.

From midnight tonight, fans around the world will be able to download the song and with internet sales now counting in the charts, it could be No1 by next week.

An insider said: 'Paul and Bono were a bit nervous, but it worked so well on stage they had no hesitation in giving permission for it to be made available.'

The recording can be bought through more than 200 online music stores in 30 countries, including - and proceeds are being donated to Live8


Lonely Hearts: Bono and Macca

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Women still need the keys to boardroom.

Byline: Carol Kleiman

"Even with cigar smoking banned in boardrooms, women still are a minority as directors."

So says Jeffrey E. Christian, the highly respected chairman and co-CEO of Christian & Timbers, an international executive search firm headquartered in New York. It has 14 offices worldwide.

When Christian made that statement, I thought he meant that since most women don't smoke cigars _ and everyone knows male directors traditionally do _ that it was a barrier women simply couldn't overcome, like being able to play on all-male golf courses.

I thought he was implying that being "cigarless" makes it all that more difficult to crash corporate boardrooms and to penetrate the glass ceiling.

And from there I reasoned that since cigar smoking now is banned in most boardrooms along with other forms of tobacco, one requirement to get to the top no longer exists, no matter what Groucho Marx might have to say about cigar-banning.

But Christian, author of "The Headhunter's Edge" (Random House, $24.95) has a different take, one that's far more serious _ and not all smoke and mirrors.

"It's a way of saying that some things have changed, but not a lot," said the executive. "Even though the percentage of women directors certainly has improved over the past decade, they're still underrepresented: Women still are a very small minority of members of boards of directors."

The lack of representation is damaging because board experience is an important factor in finding "qualified" candidates for the highest executive positions, according to Christian.

He describes the exclusion of women as "a self-fulfilling prophecy" by corporate America because it can rule out a female candidate, especially at the CEO level, if she's never served as a director.

In a recent survey by the search firm, only an average of 17 percent of board members at 60 top U.S. companies were women.

The most seats were held by women at consumer products firms, which had an average of 22 percent _ still a low number considering that women are the country's most avid consumers.

There is a modicum of good news, however, reports Christian, who is known for his high-level board and CEO searches. "Our requests for board searches have risen 67 percent since January, and many boards now consider directorships made up equally of women and men as their goal," he said.

But most companies do not specifically ask for female candidates in order to make their boards better reflect their customer base. Instead, they're seeking directors with strong financial backgrounds "as a reaction to Enron," Christian said.

With so many barriers facing them, it's not surprising that few women inch their way up from boards of directors to chief executives of top companies: Only 1.2 percent of Fortune 500 top leaders are women.

But the ability to find and place top women business executives is one reason Christian is so respected: He's known, for instance, for recruiting Carly Fiorina as chief executive of Hewlett-Packard Co., one of the highest-ranked women in the U.S.

Fiorina had the requisite board experience: She had served on two major boards and now is a director of Cisco Corp.

"She stood alone as the best candidate," said Christian of Fiorina. "We were looking for real leadership."

I asked the headhunter, if all candidates have similar experience and skills, what is it that makes him choose the one he will recommend for CEO?

"The best are those whom everyone says wonderful things about, who have strong reputations," he said.

Even if they don't smoke cigars.


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Distributed by Knight Ridder/Tribune Information Services. Free People Search Tool Now Utilizes Professional Networking Sites and 'Hidden Web' Search to Provide an Advanced People Finder.

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) March 31, 2011

Since its launch in October 2010, thousands of people have taken advantage of's people find facility and reverse phone lookup capability. uses advanced algorithms to store a growing database of millions of people taken from various information sources and profiles on the web allowing users to perform a people lookup by name, address, email or phone number. By constantly enhancing the way the site retrieves its people search data, the accuracy, speed and depth of information it returns is advancing day by day.

Every second more information is being placed on the Internet from millions of sources. In its search for people, uses highly advanced technology to gather information from a wide range of databases. This includes public records, white pages, email addresses, images and also feeds from various social & professional networking sites -- such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. However, what a lot of people fail to understand is how deep the people search actually goes.

This is where the power of the 'hidden web' or 'deep web' search comes into its own. The problem with many regular search engines is that they literally just crawl along the surface of the information available on the net and lack the ability to delve further into the deep web. What this means to the user is that any background check, address search, email lookup or any other kind of people search will not return anything other than basic information. As much of the information necessary to provide a detailed people search or people address finder is located in the deep web, only a search engine such as can bring back the best people find search results.

From a basic address search or email lookup, right through to a detailed background check or property report, the information hidden in the deep web is far greater than the regular, surface web utilized by most search engines. is constantly refining the art of selecting this 'hidden' information to find people and retrieve details on their activities. So whether the search is for former classmates, a property report, a background check or address search can provide detailed and fast results.

About provides a comprehensive people search service the integrates people and people related data such as public records, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, property records and more to enable advanced searches in one place. Visit our company blog to know more.


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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Laboratory of the future: analytical instruments of the future will be accessible not only by those in the same laboratory, but also by collaborators around the world.(Drug discovery)


By the end of the next decade, in a future dominated by networks, connections and collaboration, analytical instruments will look similar to those of today. But they will offer an experience that is far beyond that to which we have become accustomed.

In the future, instruments will be fully enabled for access anywhere at anytime, with the proper authorisation. As instruments collect data,

they buffer it locally but then store it either in an enterprise-level informatics system belonging to a large organisation, such as a pharmaceutical company, or in the internet cloud if the data is from a smaller organisation, such as a university laboratory.

Chromatography data systems (CDS), electronic lab notebooks (ELN) and enterprise content management (ECM) systems will be scalable and tightly coupled to each other. Informatics architecture will be completely open and vendors will cooperate to build out an ecosystem of partners providing a range of useful applications that one manufacturer alone could not provide. New collaboration services will enable researchers across global workgroups to access new data immediately as their software rapidly transforms, integrates and visualises the data into information and insight, thus facilitating long sought after progress in systems biology and predictive analyses.

For both large and small organisations, this future promises to be remarkably exciting, but how as an industry can we get there?

Lab computing evolution

Yesterday's laboratory information management architecture was based on a one-to-one relationship between laboratory instruments and the data systems that controlled them. These data systems could be networked, but were not designed to take full advantage of a networked environment. As a result, each data system was its own island of data. Because administration of these systems was largely performed workstation-by-workstation by lab personnel, it was expensive and time-consuming.

The advent of good laboratory practices (GLP) and regulatory compliance, as well as security concerns, were major drivers of change. Who in the lab was approved to develop and change methods? Was the correct version of instrument software used? Corporations realised they could no longer treat the laboratory as an island and drove to align it with in their centralised IT management processes standards.

Today, instrument manufacturers, like Agilent Technologies, have responded with network-ready, standardised systems that can be scaled from the desktop to the workgroup as well as to the entire enterprise. These systems enable centralised administration, leveraged infrastructure, improved security, easier regulatory compliance, lower costs, and to an extent, data sharing across the enterprise. For example, with introduction of shared services, we can now deliver benefits such as single log-on; the ability to group projects; and user identity-based permissions. Access is controlled and the systems are secure, while processes can now be distributed across multiple workstations.

When advanced reporting tools are coupled to the shared services environment, users can perform and automate cross-sample, cross-batch reporting. Chromatography systems can now be integrated with ECM systems so there is an underlying archival and retrieval system that makes it possible for organisations to organise, share and thus raise the value of their data.

Information integration

Today's systems offer significant improvements, compared with those of 10 years ago, but substantial gaps remain. A major bottleneck in many organisations is the management, interpretation and archiving of the growing amount of data generated from a variety of analytical instruments. Increasingly-complex and large data files--measured in petabytes instead of megabytes, gigabytes or terabytes--in multiple formats--must be interpreted and archived, and this trend shows no signs of slowing. The number of isolated pools of systems and data is growing too and there aren't standards that allow data integration and sharing among different analytical instruments and techniques.

Management of information with the goal of extracting scientific and business knowledge to speed decision-making is a top priority for most institutions, but none have solved this problem to their satisfaction.

In the life sciences, data from multiple 'omits' disciplines must be integrated to make progress in achieving key industry initiatives. Organisations across the globe now pursue predictive analyses driven by systems biology as a way to solve key challenges in agriculture and healthcare. With the growth in systems biology approaches, complex data from multiple, interdisciplinary sources around the globe must be integrated, analysed, correlated and visualised, increasing the demand for fast, unconstricted, yet secure access. Though global collaborations are commonplace, few of today's informatics tools provide a truly collaborative environment.


Easy collaboration--'collaboration services'-is what future-facing organisations are investing in. To enable collaboration, manufacturers must develop and implement standards and open systems. Many collaborative research teams are globally distributed and use many different systems with many different functions in many different languages and interfaces. The informatics environment of the future must provide a common foundation by which distributed users can integrate their various expertise and perspectives in various languages.

New possibilities

New technologies are driving progress, particularly for organisations unable to invest in a large informatics infrastructure. With the advent of web services and cloud computing, informatics providers can supply economical solutions to smaller organisations. Cloud computing, a relatively new delivery model for IT and business applications, is made possible by remote computing over the internet. Users access applications through their web browser as if they were installed on their own computer and do not need to have expertise in or control over the infrastructure that supports them. Application software and data are stored on servers managed by the provider.

Organisations can access software in the internet cloud in the form of web-based services. The pharmaceutical industry has been at the forefront of this trend. Web services extend users' working environment into their community of collaborators, or allow them to broker their services across a larger community of interest, without the overhead of a central IT organisation and a large data centre.

Cloud computing satisfies organisations with smaller, specific requirements, such as academia and small contract research organisations (CROs) by scaling systems to their cost and flexibility needs. For example, web services enable manufacturers to provide remote support and monitoring to a small CRO that does not have its own IT support infrastructure. Small organisations can use the application at a much tower cost of entry, compared with buying the infrastructure. As they grow these organisations may still to move to their own infrastructure without difficulty.

Web services-based architecture has other advantages. The internet browser becomes the user interface. Because it is over the internet, users can take advantage of anytime, anywhere access and remote services, and can distribute workflows across their workgroup. Laboratories often start sample runs and return the next day to find that not all samples ran successfully. Imagine the productivity gain if the analyst received a smart alert when a run encountered a problem so s/he could decide whether to go back into the lab and intervene?

But cloud computing is not without controversy. Cloud computing applications vary in the level of security supplied. Organisations are asking: are the servers physically secured? Could my data be stolen? Those trying this approach will need to put serious thought into the level of security needed.

Other technologies that promise to facilitate the development of collaborative informatics are natural language processing and semantic web tools. Natural language processing is a field of computer science focused on converting computer data into human languages and images and vice versa. The goal of semantic web tools is to make web-based information understandable by computers, so computers can perform the tedious work of finding and integrating information across applications and systems.

Figure 1 illustrates the evolution of laboratory computing and informatics in terms of the greater level of capabilities that modern IT systems are now starting to offer.

Standards and open systems

Informatics suppliers can help to advance laboratory computing in a number of ways. The development and implementation of industry standards is the critical first step. There is a fundamental need for a standard format to enable data integration and collaboration across communities of users in a straightforward and easy way. The current trend is an XML format, but the industry has not standardised on a specific one, and it is not clear that this format will be adequate across all of the tools and disciplines that must be integrated in a systems biology approach. Although it has been difficult for manufacturers to determine the data structure that works for all of the various analytical instruments that laboratories use, forward-thinking informatics suppliers have begun to work toward solutions.

In addition to standards, manufacturers need to provide open instrument control. To do their work, laboratories must use a variety of analytical instruments from a variety of vendors. Laboratories also need standard operating procedures (SOPS) that enable them to work across all instrument types. Manufacturers like Agilent now provide an open instrument control framework (ICF) enabling laboratories to control their instruments from one standard operating system and ultimately to develop lab-wide rather than instrument specific SOPs. The open ICF also makes it easier for third party software developers to develop supporting products.

Laboratories shouldn't need to use a unique reporting engine for each vendor's instruments. Today, when the same experiment is run on two different vendors' systems, laboratory managers have to review two different sets of reports. They waste time determining what's different because of the reporting, versus what's different between the samples. Manufacturers need to provide a single reporting engine that is able to function across instrument types and vendors.


Collaboration services

While standards and open systems provide the foundation for collaboration, organisations are fundamentally interested in purchasing services that facilitate collaboration, leverage experts across their organisation, and help them extract value from huge amounts of data--all while protecting their intellectual property. Agilent's OpenLAB, for example, is an operating system for the laboratory that integrates analytical instrument control and data analysis, enterprise content management and laboratory business process management into a single, scaleable web-based system. Agilent's Electronic Lab Notebook is an open, scalable, integrated platform for creating, managing, sharing and protecting data in a complex global environment. It is available in Chinese and Korean, enabling researchers to collaborate easily in their own languages and local requirements.

Though the accelerating pace of ELN adoption across the RSD landscape is helping organisations improve collaboration, data accessibility and knowledge retention, manufacturers still need to go further in developing tools that present data in ways that it can be understood and interpreted by a variety of disciplines and languages. Advances in data reduction, visualisation, modeling and simulation are desperately needed to help find the few pieces of data that truly make a difference among the petabytes available.

Faster decision-making

Organisations require a hierarchy of capability that has as its base laboratory instrument control and data collection. Today, manufacturers have refocused product enhancements on data analysis, interpretation, visualisation and reporting.

Though instrument control, acquisition and data interpretation is fundamental to analytical work, organisations want to make decisions and solve scientific problems faster. To do this requires a higher level of capability that integrates public and private data from disparate sources to facilitate knowledge sharing across disciplines and geographies, while protecting their intellectual property.

To deliver this new level of value, informatics suppliers must start by focusing on the development of industry standards and open systems. In turn, these standards and open systems will provide the foundation for breakthroughs in the collaboration technologies and services of the future.

In Brief

* Laboratory instruments of the future will be fully enabled for secure access anywhere at anytime

* Researchers around in the world will be able to access new data immediately as their software rapidly visualises the data

* Data files are increasingly large and complex, in multiple formats, and must be interpreted and archived

* New technologies such as cloud computing are allowing access to information more cheaply by exploiting internet services

Bruce von Herrmann is vice president and general manager, software and informatics at Agilent Technologies, based in Santa Clara, California, US.